Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day 18

Wow, are we there already? Hubby is 20.5 pounds down.

I've been slacking on updates. Mostly because I'm a little discouraged - people are calling left and right to ask about getting on this diet, and it's starting to feel like a chain letter. You know, someone tells 10 their friends, a few of those friends tell 10 friends, ect.

I spent 8 years trying to convince people to eat right, and offer to help them do it. People weren't exactly beating down my door to take the slow route. Which is kind of sad - if they'd done it when I said "go do it!" they'd be there already. Then again, maybe that makes me a hypocrite because I've gained some back and been slacking.

Today's been a bit of a down day for him, though. I think it was just a long day without a lot of sleep.

People are really noticing the difference, and he can fit into clothes that he couldn't before. It's really exciting, and I can tell every time something fits again that he's thrilled.

He's currently coming up with elevated uric acid levels. We don't know yet how high those are; usually higher uric acid comes with losing weight fast or too many purine rich foods (such as beef, chicken, fish, and some other stuff that my husband LOVES). For now, I'm getting him down on animal protein, up on veggies, and moving him into more eggs, cottage cheese, and greek yogurt. He's not thrilled, but his knee (which he had surgery on last month) is still hurting more than he thinks it should. I've got him some supplement as well. The naturopath agrees with what I've just laid out there, so I'm not just chucking around stuff without having someone who knows what they're doing say it's ok.

During all this, I started tracking my own food again. So far, that's working well for me. I'm taking in 1600 calories a day on average and losing around 2.5 pounds a week. The best I can figure, on that high of an intake, is this is a combination of knocking off birth control pills (which can increase appetite) and being on Adderall (which seems to crank up the burning, as well as reducing appetite). If anything, I'm having trouble getting enough calories right now, and typically end up forcing it to make sure I get it all in. I know for myself, cutting below 1300 is a no-no because it'll actually harm me more than help me.

It's a little creepy that the Adderall is helping so much, because I feel almost like wow, it's like I'm cheating. However, the reason I take Adderall is because having a five minute long attention span makes everything suck, especially my job which includes writing code. I could write code within a week of starting it. Coincidence? Weight loss is a fine side effect I suppose.

I'm down 3.5 in the last week and a half since I started tracking my food. :D

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