Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 8 of husband's diet

The stolen salad reappeared; either someone realized they took the wrong one, or realized that it was seriously boring food and didn't eat it.

I'm currently boiling some eggs before bed so I figured I'd post something.

Measuring food:
I haven't gotten into it much, but I am an old pro at tracking food, measuring portions, ect. I'm solid at eyeballing many foods, and often help my husband because of this. I haven't tracked my food in a while, though, and the reason why is simple: it's easy to splurge when you're not paying attention. And I've been doing too much of that.

In light of that, and to help be supportive, I've started tracking my food again. I'm currently using FitDay again for the time being, although I opened a new account. A cleaning of the slate so to speak. I think this is going to help because I don't think my splurging is good for him. He says he's fine with me cruising around chomping on an ice cream sandwich, or telling him "DUDE THAT GUY ON THE SECOND FLOOR MADE BANANA RUM ICE CREAM!". It's not that I don't believe him, I do - he is super blunt and honest that way. For my peace of mind, though, I'd like to be more accountable and start ditching the junk from my diet, too.

Eating out:
No new exciting recipes today, although I am learning a lot about how to work on the eating out stuff. Today we had no time to pack dinner, so I stopped in for teriyaki. My favorite is spicy chicken, steamed veggies, and brown rice. I could live off of that, and it would be quite balanced. Rice is clearly not an option for my husband, so I got him some chicken breast and steamed vegetables.

Today's eating out lessons learned:
-Plain chicken breast is boring. He said he wanted the spicy sauce. I worried there may be something in it he shouldn't have. He said he'd rather take his chances next time than eat plain boring chicken.
-Ask for the kind of veggies. Typically, it's a bunch of broccoli and a few carrots there. Today, it was carrots and a few pieces of broccoli. I'd planned on giving him my broccoli as I can happily live off of carrots, but there just wasn't time with all the car shuffle to get to rehearsal. He didn't eat any carrots, though; that was my job. :D
-Plan ahead; find a list of places that you know will work. Teriyaki is pretty high on my list.

And a final one aside from that: keep more salad on hand. That's probably less about eating out and more about always having a backup vegetable that's easy to pack with.

Eating out so far:

Red Robin:
Not terrible choices, but you have to be careful. Hubby stalled after the visit there, but I don't know if that's a true stall or his body going "ok this 2-3 pounds a day thing is a little much after 5 days, let's take that down to more like 1 pound." I worry that the chicken has too much stuff it's been stewed in or something. He did however manage a salad with cucumbers, tomato, lettuce, and chicken. He used vinegar as dressing. In a pinch, it worked.

Our favorite place near my work is fairly solid here - they use straight out chicken, not stuff that's soaked in crap. I think a lot of teriyaki places have similar options. What to watch for: chicken other than breast. Not all chicken is alike. Most of the chicken there is probably thighs or something, which isn't hCG friendly obviously.

Tomorrow we are going to Mediterranean, which is going to probably suck badly for him. It was his idea, though. :P

A final note
I won't lie: this hCG thing is crazy to me. I do, however, have a hard requirement of a diet: I trust no diet that doesn't allow apples. Period. If a diet says no apples, it's immediately not credible as far as I am concerned. Don't ask me why. Maybe it's because I have a very high fiber requirement. I will admit that the hCG diet met that requirement. We're both eating more apples than ever before around here.

And I get to eat all the bananas. Bananas are good drummer food. Actually, everything is good drummer food. Nevermind. Drummers eat everything. If anyone finds a drummer doing the hCG diet, get a picture because otherwise I won't believe it! :)

Aside: another bias I suppose. Low potassium puts me in a very bad state, so bananas and potatoes are my drinking buddies. Granted, all we drink is water, and potato always steals all the butter, but whatever.

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