Saturday, June 25, 2011

Shopping list

Again, shopping is weird. I found myself buying a lot of prepackaged stuff for myself, mostly all natural stuff where possible. I'm a particular fan of anything from Amy's, but some other stuff works in a pinch. My thought is that if I give myself more options, it'll be easier for me to devote the time to helping him.

Stuff I've picked up:
-Stevia drops
-Xylitol sweetener
-Oranges, apples, strawberries
-Spinach, lettuce, radishes, celery, cucumber
-Ground buffalo
-Chicken breasts
-Miracle noodles
-Lean pork (to make a ginger stirfry with the noodles)
-Eggs (free range, vegetarian fed, ect)
-Stevia sweetened soda

He's taking to the Stevia better than I'd thought; I'd tried for years to get him to eat some more healthy stuff, and it's neat that he's trying this stuff. For my part, tried Truvia in tea and coffee. It was the worst thing ever, and I found I was happier with small amounts of sugar (as, again, I was on a fairly standard well rounded diet, albeit I was a bit fanatical myself in spots, and admit that).

I'm thinking I can eat what he does, and supplement with brown rice, potatoes, ect. I do think I'm going to have to start tracking my food, though, as I may be in danger of taking in too few calories myself now. Which would be bad as I'm built like a German tank, and pride myself that I hold muscle well. I'd like to keep it there!

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