Thursday, June 23, 2011

Hubby and hCG: Day 3

First off, it's already clear: this diet is going to require mad planning skills that I don't have. Even when I was eating extremely healthy myself, I did have room to play it by ear. Wanted a cookie? Sure, I can have a cookie, I just have to have less of something else later.

There's not much wiggle room, really. Every day he gets a couple of fruits, a couple of veggies, around 10-12 oz protein, as much tea and water as he wants, and not a whole lot else. I'd want to do more than punch someone in the face, I'd probably punch myself in the face, then start eating my own fist out of desperation.

Mmm tasty, meaty hand of mine...


If these planning skills are beyond me, I didn't want to think about what this would do to my beloved husband. When his blood sugar is low, he becomes... difficult. Difficult like pushing a minivan up a hill in a wheelchair. He doesn't think when he's hungry. So I'm going to have to think for him.

Make no comments about typical women here - I'll kick your ass, and then I'll send my husband along to finish the job, assuming I can get his blood sugar up high enough.

Today was hard in terms of him finding food he liked and could eat. I did some shopping to see if I could help. Shopping for this stuff is surreal. It's a paradigm shift. It's also stressful - I know I'm going to be the primary person who has to manage this stuff. It's kind of a big load to know that I have to always be on the lookout, always have to be the control factor. If I don't stock the house with the right food, who will? He hates grocery shopping almost as much as he hates needles!

He is, however, determined. I admire him a lot for that.

I bought a ridiculously expensive load of stuff, most of it stuff that I got for him to eat, but also a nice portion of quick food that won't kill me so that when things get nuts I at least can still eat decent.

Body count is still at 0, so that's a good day. Hunger set in as the evening waned, and I attempted to stave it off by blending up nonfat cottage cheese, strawberries, and a few drops of Stevia. He ate it, but looked extremely disturbed by the whole thing.

Next step is to try to work up some recipes, as I'm sure salad and chicken is going to get old pretty fast.

I really hope this works for him. Hell, I may end up losing a few pounds, too, who knows. If nothing else, I'll burn lots of calories wandering the grocery store trying to find something he can eat.

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